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Same-day Teeth with Implants

Same-day Teeth with Implants

By: Dr. Boyer June 22, 2021

You might have seen TV commercials promising a natural-looking set of new teeth in just one day. “This is too good to be true!” you might think. But, according to the American Association of Implant Dentistry, it is not just a myth. You can get a complete set of new teeth in a day with implants, also known as same-day implants. But that requires a lot of planning - and sometimes - multiple visits before getting your new implant-supported teeth.

This article explains everything you need to know about same-day implants so you can make an informed decision when it comes to replacing missing teeth.

What are Same-day Implants?

According to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, same-day implants refer to a tooth replacement option in which all the diseased teeth are removed and replaced with a complete set of implant-supported teeth in a single visit. However, your Simi Dentist will first give you a temporary set of teeth with your implants. This is to ensure that your facial esthetics and smile are not compromised during the implant procedure. Once the surgical site has healed and the implants have firmly anchored themselves in the jawbone - a process which may take anywhere between four to six months - your Simi Dentist will replace the temporary teeth with a permanent, complete fixed bridge.

Who Can Benefit from Same-day Implants?

Same-day implants are suitable for healthy individuals who have lost all their teeth or have diseased teeth that need to be removed. Your Simi Dentist will perform a detailed clinical examination during your initial appointment to ascertain your eligibility to get same-day implants.

Tooth replacement with same-day implants will only be successful if you have a healthy jawbone that can firmly anchor the implants. However, even if you do not have sufficient jawbone available, no need to worry. Your dentist may perform an additional procedure to replenish the deficient bone tissue with a bone graft - and it can be done on the same day you get your new teeth.

What are the Benefits of Same-day Implants?

Unlike other tooth replacement options like removable dentures and bridges, dental implants offer a solid foundation to the artificial teeth they support. As a result, they restore your ability to eat and speak without difficulty. According to the American Dental Association, dental implants can last for a long time if they are looked after properly.

If you are looking for a reliable, durable, and esthetically pleasant option for complete teeth replacement in a jaw, same-day implants are the best option. So, book an appointment with your own Simi Dentist, Dr. Boyer, today by calling (805) 581-0144 and walk away with a healthy and beautiful smile with dental implants that you can genuinely be proud of.

Schedule an appointment with Dr. Boyer

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